Today I added support for person-tags and mentioning users to OwnYourSwarm. If you tag someone in your Swarm checkin (e.g. tap the + icon and find them in the list), then it will be converted to a person-tag in the h-entry. In addition, any usernames you mention in the text of your checkin will cause the content to be sent to your Micropub endpoint as HTML, including hyperlinks for the names of people mentioned.
If any of the people in your checkin also use OwnYourSwarm, then their URL is sent as their personal URL instead of their Foursquare profile. (Swarm doesn't provide a field to enter your website, so I can't make it look there.)
Here's a test checkin I made with two person-tags (myself and some spam account that friended my test account.) Swarm always includes the "with x, y, z" text in the checkin text when you tag someone in the checkin.

Notice that the checkin comment in this one is sent as HTML! When the checkin text includes mentions of people, OwnYourSwarm now sends the content as HTML with the appropriate hyperlinks. Here's what this checkin looks like in the JSON request that OwnYourSwarm sends, including the person-tags and HTML content.
{ "type": [ "h-entry" ], "properties": { "published": [ "2017-03-20T11:05:57-07:00" ], "syndication": [ "" ], "content": [ { "value": "with aaronpk, Asha", "html": "with <a href=\"\">aaronpk</a>, <a href=\"\">Asha</a>" } ], "category": [ { "type": [ "h-card" ], "properties": { "url": [ "", "" ], "name": [ "aaronpk" ], "photo": [ "" ] } }, { "type": [ "h-card" ], "properties": { "url": [ "" ], "name": [ "Asha" ], "photo": [ "" ] } } ], "checkin": [ { "type": [ "h-card" ], "properties": { "name": [ "Hollywood Theatre" ], "url": [ "", "", "" ], "tel": [ "(503) 281-4215" ], "latitude": [ 45.535709269884 ], "longitude": [ -122.62089771776 ], "street-address": [ "4122 NE Sandy Blvd" ], "locality": [ "Portland" ], "region": [ "OR" ], "country-name": [ "United States" ] } } ] } }
If you just mention someone in your checkin without tapping the + icon to actually check them in, then no person tags will be created, but the content will still be sent as HTML.

{ "type": [ "h-entry" ], "properties": { "published": [ "2017-03-20T14:32:24-07:00" ], "syndication": [ "" ], "content": [ { "value": "With aaronpk", "html": "With <a href=\"\">aaronpk</a>" } ], "checkin": [ { "type": [ "h-card" ], "properties": { "name": [ "Hollywood Theatre" ], "url": [ "", "", "" ], "tel": [ "(503) 281-4215" ], "latitude": [ 45.535709269884 ], "longitude": [ -122.62089771776 ], "street-address": [ "4122 NE Sandy Blvd" ], "locality": [ "Portland" ], "region": [ "OR" ], "country-name": [ "United States" ] } } ] } }
Further reading: